You don’t have to live for everybody but yourself.
Set boundaries guided by principles, and you can tackle any situation that comes into your life authentically.
I’m NOT teaching you how to be a jerk, although it might displease some people when you start standing up for yourself, I’m helping you discover who you really are. If you can show up real in your life, your life gets BETTER!
Rebellion online workshop
You asked, I heard you. Stop People Pleasing and Start Living Your Life Your Way
Register for Boundary Bootcamp
ONLINE coaching classes
How To Stop Being A People-Pleaser And Finally Build A Life Of Freedom
What these boundary builders have To Say…
I learned so much in Nick’s boundaries class and implement the knowledge on a daily basis in my personal and professional life. The most valuable lesson was leaning that boundaries are more internal and setting limits for myself vs focusing on the actions of other people. It’s up to me to stop saying yes, and focus on what I really want. I love how open Nick is about his own vulnerabilities and lessons he has learned. He has a honest approach to teaching and cares about his clients.
It’s not an exaggeration to say that working with Nick has changed my life. I’ve learned some approaches for both my work and personal lives that have enabled me to navigate priorities and relationships, thinking of others while also considering myself. Nick is also someone who is easy to talk to and relate to — he understood where I was at and was able to work with me to craft a plan that helped me reach some specific goals that I had in mind. I’m grateful for the time spent.
Apply to work with Nick 1:1
Stop Pleasing, Set Boundaries, Start Living.