What does it look like to be a people-displeaser?

On this page you’ll find stories about how our programs have helped people break free and live more authentically.

“I have read lots of books and tried
different systems to be a better me but I haven’t stuck with any of them….you have shown me that I can be me (whoever that is) and it’s ok. I have always been nervous to figure out who I am and why I was put on this earth but now I am excited to figure out who I am and develop a loving relationship with myself that I have never had before.”

Kim Troyer

“This is my life and I am responsible for it – might sound simple and familiar. 8 weeks with Nick will show you how deep it can be. I have learnt simple and effective skills to admit this truth and how to implement it in my life. Trust Nick and his tasks – he will trigger sh*t out of you. Believe me – it will make you more free, than you have ever been.”

Anton Aleksandrov

“I was working WAAAAY too many hours and living in “reactive mode” instead of proactively drawing better lines in the sand – the awareness that I needed to create some boundaries around my time and energy led me to this first step and class.”

Shawn White

What Other boundary builders have To Say… 

“As I sit here thinking of something witty to say, it’s just pure raw emotion on my end. I am not sure why everytime i think of you or the course it brings tears to my eyes. They are tears of hope I guess for such a long time and still to this day I feel like a piece of shit but I think I am turning a corner. Maybe I never had anyone tell me I was good enough and you guys kind of did that in some way. I am still working on myself and my boundaries etc but there has been a huge shift. Everything just feels different. One of my new boundaries is kind of telling people how i really feel, it scary sometimes but i am getting better at it.”

William Z

“In one year, my life has completely transformed… I’m living a life I couldn’t have even imagined a year ago. I’m having so much fun. I actually sent an email to myself the other week with just the subject line: ‘I feel amazing.’ I wouldn’t have sent that email had we never met.”

Glenn L

I learned so much in Nick’s boundaries class and implement the knowledge on a daily basis in my personal and professional life. The most valuable lesson was leaning that boundaries are more internal and setting limits for myself vs focusing on the actions of other people. It’s up to me to stop saying yes, and focus on what I really want. I love how open Nick is about his own vulnerabilities and lessons he has learned. He has a honest approach to teaching and cares about his clients.


It’s not an exaggeration to say that working with Nick has changed my life. I’ve learned some approaches for both my work and personal lives that have enabled me to navigate priorities and relationships, thinking of others while also considering myself. Nick is also someone who is easy to talk to and relate to — he understood where I was at and was able to work with me to craft a plan that helped me reach some specific goals that I had in mind. I’m grateful for the time spent.


Working with him felt like adding a massive asset to my emotional support network. I experienced high levels of trust, camaraderie, coaching, and support, and could be truly open, honest, and vulnerable, leading to significant emotional and psychological breakthroughs in productive and meaningful sessions.

Bou Feith

Nick skillfully helped me uncover the root causes of my struggles, providing practical strategies for overcoming them. Each session felt like a natural progression, filled with meaningful conversations and actionable advice. By the end of the program, I had experienced profound personal growth under Nick’s guidance.

Zach Hendrix

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Stop Pleasing, Set Boundaries, Start Living.

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